Things have been going well. Just doing our thang! The weather has been fabulous and we've been feeling good so there have been many adventures abound. We recently discovered our fair city has
a Walking Group and this has been the best news since, ever! This Saturday will be Taricha's first time with the pack and I'm terrified she is going to misbehave in her worst way.
How can this face misbehave?
See Taricha does have some issues. I love to talk about how awesome she is because, she is! Talking about the bad stuff sucks. I've gotten really good at avoiding situations that I know Taricha doesn't handle well but that's no solution! I want her to have a bigger world. Her biggest issue is leash confrontations and leash re-activity. I am her biggest resource and when she isnt in control of a situation, she gets very frustrated very easily. This city is wrought with stray dogs and douchebags who think a busy city park is an off leash area.... Im getting tired of being on guard and the situation often spirals because Im stressed, Taricha gets stressed, and its a circle that must stop!

So the walking group is a great big step. Taricha simply needs to learn that its okay to be around other dogs without greeting. Its okay! My predictions is... Taricha will throw a fit for a good 10-15min, lunging, barking, whining, biting the leash in frustration, eyeballing and staring.... or simply planting her ass down refusing to budge.
Then she will give up, realize I have food and we will blend into the pack like old pals. Thats her way, like a child, throws a temper tantrum then finally the bully in her gives up and she will remember that I exist again. Im bringing her highest value toy in attempt to distract her off the leash biting. Highest value cheese to distract her from everything else.
This week's walk will be at a nearby park that thankfully, Taricha is familiar with. Still being afraid of how this week will go with the pack, Ive taken her to the park every single day this week to further adjust to it. Pretty sure every pillar has been sniffed and every bush investigated. Already coming across many dogs, so far as long as we keep a distance, she's okay with them. Plus this is a really neat park, with rose gardens, herb gardens, ponds, statues, memorials, and fields and trails and swings and and... and its really a One-Stop-Park!
Practicing Stays, Ups, Sits and Downs! Hard task in public!