Monday, August 22, 2011

Taricha with her new roommates, Kara the 2 year old boxer/beagle and Kanji the 13 year old Shiba Inu. 

Taricha has adjusted to city living fairly well over the past month or so. Having our own back yard is a saving grace when living in such a compact house. (Though they turned the yard into a mud pit over the last week of rain.) Kara and Taricha have become best friends, constantly wrestling, constantly shredding toys together, they've even snuggled a few times.

I'd like boxer/beagles more if  they didnt have endless... endless energy.
But she's still super cute.



  1. Hey! We've been so out of the loop and totally missed that you guys were moving! Happy to hear that Taricha likes her new roommates and you guys are adjusting well. Pics of the new house??

  2. Your friends are adorable and obviously where you out, BOL
    Benny & Lily
